
Tribolectric plays rock and psychedelic funk that moves with rhythm and meaning.
Kimba Theurich: Vocals
Kimba pushes the Tribolectric sound over the top with
her legendary voice, dynamic presence and captivating melodies. Whether she is singing
deeply meaningful lyrics or using her voice as an instrument for improvisational
embellishment, her radiant energy will have you riveted to the stage.
Jon Christensen: Guitar, Vocals
Jon punctuates the Tribolectric rhythm section with percussive phrases,
lays down leads that growl and sing, and creates atmospheric texture
with a wide array of effects. His influences include The Allman
Brothers, Jerry Garcia, and Charlie Parker.
Luke 'NasaBoy' Williamson: Keys, Vocals
Adaptable and mutationally subversive, Luke warps the weave and welds the cracks, ratcheting up the psychedelic quotient and searching for new destinations and inner dimensions. Fearless and inventive, he identifies with constantly metamorphasizing music, and enjoys the variety and flexibility of the Tribolectric spectrum.
Mike Toth: Bass, Vocals
Mike's lyrical bass lines, sharp ear for the pocket, and rock solid tone are
essential elements of the Tribolectric sound. He draws inspiration from
a wide variety of influences including Funk, Rock, Jazz, and
Kris Jones: Drums, Percussion
Dr. Jones keeps the groove moving with driving rhythmic sequences and a quick light touch. With influences steeped in Electronica
and Classic Rock, he has developed a unique style that captivates and shakes.